Washing your wig for the very first time can be very daunting. Don`t panic and follow these wonderful instructions.
1.Prior to washing remove all tangles and knots by giving your wig a thorough brushing
2. Fill a bowl or sink with cold water and a little (50p sized amount) of fibre shampoo. immerse the wig into the water. do not rub the wig, gently agitate the wig whilst in the water.
3. Rinse the wig in clear cold water
4. Wrap the in a towel to remove excess water, do not rub the wig
5. place your wig on a polyhead, wig stand or if you dont have one place your wig on the bath taps or a shower head.
6. when the wig feels damp, lightly spray it with some spray in conditioner. leave to dry naturally.
7. Once dry shake and brush your wig back into its original style
8. you are now good to go!!